According to The Scottish Post, every year the amount of waste at Christmas produced in the UK rises by 30%. This includes six million Christmas trees, over 227,000 miles of wrapping paper, around two million turkeys, 74 million mince pies and 17.2 million Brussel sprouts [1]. 

This festive season, we’ve already encouraged you to make better buying decisions when it comes to sales and present giving, and this week we’re encouraging you to get crafty and creative with your Christmas decorations. We’ve trawled the best of Pinterest to bring you our curated list of projects that utilise waste materials, some of which you may have received from your Kijani Living orders. For your chance to feature in our feed, share with us photos of your finished projects and tag them #kijanigreenchristmas 

Three Wise Men [2] 

Put your empty shampoo, conditioner and body wash bottles to good use with this crafty project. Take your empty bottles, remove the labels (or paint or cover them if the label won’t come off easily), then decorate with sequin jewels, cloaks made out of scrap fabric, crowns made out of shiny fabric or card, anything goes! Really creative folk could get to work and create a whole nativity scene from their empties! 

Photo credit - No Time for Flash Cards 

Hanging Christmas Trees 

Super easy to make, but super attractive. Take your cardboard packaging and cut into Christmas tree proportioned triangles. Then, taking some green wool or thread, begin to wrap around the tree (see photo for reference). Continue until the tree is completely covered, then either add silver thread for tinsel, or attach some buttons and pompoms for baubles. 


Hanging Christmas Baubles 

Once again, take your cardboard packaging only this time cut circles. Next, cut in evenly around the outside of the circle before taking some brightly colour wool or yarn and threading through the gaps. See photo for reference: 


Christmas Banners [3] 

Once again making use of your cardboard packaging, create your own festive banners with messages of your choice. Simply draw and cut out your letters before painting with Christmas colours, or bright colours to cheer up your room, it’s your choice. Then thread on a length of yarn or ribbon, bells optional! 



[2] Taken from No Time for Flash Cards:

[3] Taken from No Time for Flash Cards: 

Photo credits 

Three wise men: No Time for Flash Cards

Hanging Christmas trees: 


Noel banner: No Time for Flash Cards