What are Baru Seeds?

Baru seeds are the latest kid on the block, having caught the attention of ‘superfood’ lovers and it has been claimed that they may be the best seed on the market. We thought we would shed some light on those ‘superseeds’ and uncover just why we all ought to have them in our cupboards.

Native to Cerrado, the tropical Savanna of Midwestern Brazil, baru seeds are sourced from the beautiful and impressive baru tree. They are sustainably grown, wildcrafted and handpicked.

These naturally nutty - they taste just like peanuts but have not come close to a nut or a pea! - seeds are nutritionally dense and contain considerable amounts of essential fatty acids, fibre, protein as well as an array of vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium, zinc and vitamin C. 

Research shows that they also contain a host of ‘antioxidants’; natural compounds shown to help prevent the damage caused by oxidative stress. The latter is often the main precursor of inflammatory processes in the body prior to many common health conditions.

Tell Us More About Natural Traditions Baru Seeds from Organic Traditions?

Organic Traditions carefully roast their baru seeds which allows the powerhouse of nutrients contained within to be unlocked and digested far more easily. The seeds basically contain what we refer to as an ‘antinutrient’, in this case a known trypsin inhibitor making it hard for our body to digest proteins found in the seeds. Roasting deactivates this antinutrient, thus making the proteins more bioavailable.

Baru seeds are so versatile, making ideal to snack on their own or can also be added to trail mixes; used to make nut butters, granolas, dips, deserts or energy balls. You name it!

Baru Seeds & Special Diets

For athletes, paleo or keto diet followers, baru seeds are a fantastic addition to meals, not only because of their complete amino acid profile but also because of their lower calorific value and fat content in comparison to other traditional nuts. Classified as non-allergenic, baru seeds are in fact wild legumes. They make a suitable and safe high protein snack to pack away for children’s school boxes. 

Vegans, vegetarians or those who simply eat a predominantly plant-based diet can also benefit from baru seeds’ content of protein amongst other nutrients. Baru seeds can also be milled into a flour and provide a great alternative to almond flour in baking recipes.

Have you seen the baru nut butter recipe we published? Click here to discover this irresistible super seed spread. If you know someone who loves peanut butter or nut butters and perhaps can’t enjoy them any more due to allergies, pass it on!


[1] https://patient.info/allergies-blood-immune/food-allergy-and-intolerance/nut-allergy